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The Organized Life, Necklace Wall Organizer

I am lucky enough to have a large walk-in closet all to myself, but there is just one tiny little problem…

There is a giant column in the center of it!

The center front, as in 2 feet inside the door, so when you open the door,  there it is, right in your face!  To get to your clothes, you must navigate around it on the right side.  But that’s also where I would lazily  conveniently kick off my shoes.

I have looked at this wall several times a day for over 20 years, and finally I had an Ah Hah! moment~ I could paint it!

I could paint a girly shape and add polka dots!

and a border and

add some accents

black and white

and then in the center of the polka dots I could put vintage knobs!

in lots of colors and shapes!

It would look so fun and festive!!  It would be such a cheerful greeting!

and it would be the perfect place to hang my necklaces

I sort of have a thing for necklaces

funky, clunky, colorful necklaces~

I also hung a flat clear organizer on the opposite wall to the left of the door, across from the column

for earrings.  Now I can see everything at a glace and it’s all right there with my clothes.

The necklaces used to hang on the shoe organizer that is on the back of the column~ which is why my shoes were all over the place.  Now they are actually on the shoe rack and I can actually walk into the closet without tripping over them.

And it only took me twenty years to figure this out!!

2014 is going to be a great year!  You know, now that I am so organized and all, and not tripping over my shoes….


wall paint/ASCP Duck Egg and Florence

vintage knobs/Hobby Lobby


I will be sharing with these fabulous parties and blogs

The Hankful House

Uncommon Designs

Between Naps on the Porch

The Dedicated House

Coastal Charm

The Scoop

A Stroll Thru Life

Memories by the Mile

Clean and Scentsible

Savvy Southern Style

The Style Sisters

Work it Wednesday

Thursday Favorites

Posed Perfection

Common Ground

It All Started with Paint

DIY Vintage Chic

Blog Hop Blitz

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