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The Organized Life, Monthly Challenge

How do you feel about organization?  Are you a free spirit or a neat freak?  Do you spend a lot of time staying organized or do you let things pile up?

I am pretty obsessive about how my house looks, I really can’t relax if everything’s not in place, but don’t give the baseboards the white glove test, and please don’t open certain doors…



I continually strive to be organized, but being messy is part of the creative nature, so it’s a constant battle


I have been saying for 2 years that I am going to do some serious decluttering, purging, and organizing but I confess my attempts have been half-hearted and I haven’t gotten very far…

My garage is pretty organized but it is still full of too much stuff I don’t need and will never use



Being an artist, a tablescaper, part of a family that loves to entertain,  and now a lifestyle blogger, these things have all combined into one giant accumulation of stuff!



Having 2 houses has only doubled the situation rather than divided it





It’s true that I have most of my things at our formal home, but since we are spending more and more time on the coast, things are meandering and accumulating there too   😳




I do manage to keep my art supplies organized



Mainly because they live mostly out in the open and have to Hide in Plain Sight




I have a studio space in the “city” where I do large paintings and projects, but the beach house’s limited space only allows small projects, watercolors and drawing



I keep my drawing supplies handy in a small tote so I can take them wherever I want to sit or go



I recently saw this article, How to Dress with 33 items or less for 3 months!  Wait, what???

It jump started my dusty goal of really cleaning out my closets



I am going to pick one thing or area to focus on each month to start to tame the underlying chaos I feel


For August I am choosing my clothes closets, which are going to get a serious diet!

I do have clothes at both houses so I don’t have to pack much when I do my “back and forthing,” but both closets are full of  fashion don’ts  things I will never wear…



I have read good recommendations for closet organization-1 thing out 1 thing in, get rid of anything that doesn’t fit or you haven’t worn in a year, out of style, damaged, stained…SO this month is going to be brutal, serious, purging!

Did you know, according to the article, there are 25,176 unique combinations you can create with only 33 items!

What an incredible statistic!



The item list obviously has basic pieces that mix and match, but I do think the underlying premise, less really is more, is something we already do anyway…



We always choose that favorite dress or pair of pants, the top you feel great in, the shoes you love…my goal is to have everything in my closet be those things

Maybe if I had a chandelier instead of a power drill in my closet…



I am not going to blog about my challenge unless I discover something really amazing, but I am going to share my monthly topic to make the commitment to myself and maybe even inspire you to do something you’ve been putting off…

Once I write something down I feel committed, do you?


I started my recipe bucket list, the Paint Bucket, a year before I started my blog 5 years ago.  I designed it for the sole purpose of motivating myself to get out of my lazy cooking rut and try new things, and make it easier to do so by having a limited focus

And here is my incredible statistic, in the past 5 years of blogging I have tried, made and posted 1000+ recipes!!  😵



I am hoping in the next year, using this Monthly Challenge method, my attempts to live more simply will get similar successful results!

Maybe I can reduce the 25,176 random things I have to just 33!

I keep telling myself, don’t be a “scaredy cat” like Wendi Witch


I know it’s Spooky,


But, turn you can turn your Can’ts into Cans and your Dreams into Plans!



Just take it one month a a time and your results will be Fabulous!



You can see more articles about this and other lifestyle topics on Becoming Minimalist here

If you have any clever tips or suggestions for clothes closet organization or purging please leave them in a comment below, I need all the help I can get!

Thank you!

👗   👡   👖   👠   👚   👗

I will be joining these fabulous parties and blogs:

Rustic and RefinedBetween Naps on the Porch, Gardens Galore  Make it Pretty Monday

Coastal CharmCooking and Crafting with J&J,  The Scoop,   A Stroll Thru Life 

Celebrate and Decorate,  Lori’s Culinary Creations,   Moonlight and Mason Jars

Full Plate Thursday  Foodie Friday & Everything Else    Thursday Favorite Things

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