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Fearless Friday, Ode to the Pineapple

Today is my sister’s birthday, Happy Birthday Sally!!

AND,  she is not only as sunny as a pineapple, she was clever enough to live in Hawaii for a while with her talented architect husband and have two sunny children who are as sweet as if they were born in a pineapple field…



In my quest to become more familiar with watercolors I’ve been reading a variety of books



This chapter especially interested me, color behavior



Playing with paint before you start is really key.  Watercolor is unpredictable anyway, so if you have an idea of what’s going to happen, the more you can control it



Experimenting freely with different colors is not only fun, but you will be amazed at what you will see and learn




Lay one color on top of another and discover the effects of building up colors




Tilt and turn the paper for runs and different effects



Experiment with different amounts of water in the pigment to create a range of tones and shades



Make a color chart for reference



Keep scraps of water color paper near by while you paint so you can try things as  you go




Do quick sketches to loosen up and get a feel for your brushes



And most important of all, study other artists and have patience…

Marina Delio’s pineapple was my inspiration for this painting, I loved her interpretation and kept very close to her rendition.  I did deepen the colors, used more dramatic highlights, and made the top more whimsical…

I did not sketch it first or use mask, I was just careful to leave the white highlights unpainted



I used layer upon layer of colors to build up the different areas of the pineapple




I used watercolor pens and a small fine brush to add dark accent lines



and laid in a small amount of background color to indicate the pineapple sitting on a surface



I love pineapple, I even have pineapple pillows  🌴




It’s good for Pineapple Cocktails



And eating!   Hawaiian Pizza Empanadas



“Ode to the Pineapple”



Have fun and be Fearless!


I will be joining these fabulous parties and blogs

Celebrate and DecorateRustic and Refined,

Between Naps on the Porch, Coastal Charm, Cooking and Crafting with J&JThe Scoop, Something to Talk AboutA Stroll Thru Life    Inspire Me Monday

Crafty Staci,   Tickle My TastebudsWow Us Wednesday

Full Plate ThursdayWork it Wednesday

Home Matters, Idea BoxPoofing the Pillows

Sweet Inspiration


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